La fabuleuse histoire de l’intelligence artificielle, Clifford A. Pickover, 2021.

Des robots médiévaux à la reconnaissance faciale, en passant par les réseaux neuronaux artificiels, Clifford Pickover vous raconte en cent inventions l’histoire fascinante de l’intelligence artificielle.
Organon d’Aristote, machine de Babbage, ENIAC, Hal 9000, Deep Blue ou encore AlphaGo, l’ouvrage explore les applications de l’IA dans des domaines aussi divers que l’informatique, la médecine, la culture populaire ou la philosophie.
Plongez dans ce livre et laissez-vous guider dans un vaste voyage à travers le monde pour comprendre les origines de l’intelligence artificielle, son avenir et ce qu’elle signifie pour l’humanité.


Ben Vickers is a curator, writer, publisher, technologist and luddite. He is the co-founder of Ignota Books, an initiator of the open-source monastic order unMonastery and the former CTO of Serpentine Galleries in London.
K Allado-McDowell works in the overlap between music, language, technology and healing. With over twenty years of experience translating between technical and cultural worlds, Allado-McDowell is a sought after speaker and consultant to cultural, artistic, and technological institutions that desire to align their work with larger traditions of human understanding. Allado-McDowell established the Artists + Machine Intelligence program at Google AI, bringing artists and philosophers into collaboration with machine learning researchers to develop research strategy and policy for emerging AI technology. Allado-McDowell records and releases music under the name Qenric.